Balance Your Energy.
Just as doctors measure the blood flowing through your veins, acupuncturists measure the vital energy running through your meridian channels.
We are here to revitalize this subtle source of energy that runs your body and increase your life force energy, or Qi, (“Chee”).
Originating in traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture has been a therapeutic technique that has been used for over 5,000 years. We are proud to bring this healing technique to our locals here in Bridgeton, MO. It is believed that the body has over 2,000 acupuncture points that are all connected by your meridian system. By placing small needles in these specific points the flow of Qi is increased and energy is revived. The primary goal is to restore energetic balance and proper energy flow to these energetic channels, thus allowing your body to function normally and return to health naturally.
The Acu Graph is the technology we use at Baker Chiropractic and Acupuncture to correctly diagnose the energetic status of your meridian system. From this device you will receive “Personal Integrated Energetic” chart representing your meridian pathways. Your “P.I.E.” score will give a complete analysis of your meridian pathways and reflect the overall health of the system. Based on your chart you will then receive the best acupuncture treatment curated specifically for you and your energetic needs.
Acu Graph
Benefits of Acupuncture
Qi, Chi or “Chee” is the life force energy that is known to be responsible for your overall health. Increase the flow of your Qi and you will increase your overall health and vitality.
Acupuncture can help increase cognitive clarity, mental health, and nerve stimulation.
It can also help decrease addiction, insomnia, muscular pain, myofascial pain, stress, arthritis, headaches, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.